Throughout the school year we have done multiple projects and lots of notes. Our notes stay very organized and help with the overall understanding. We take notes on every chapter of our book and then we are graded on our work ethic.The projects we have done are full of creativity and give us a chance to show what we have learned. The body project, culture box, and brain poster were my favorite projects. The body project is a life size drawing including all of the systems and organs of the human body. The culture box was done during our Culture, Race, and Ethnicity unit and we all got to create a box that represented our heritage and who we are. The brain poster was done to show our understanding of the parts of the brain. This was a partner project and the group with the most creativity and best explanations won a contest and my partner and I had the pleasure of taking first place.
Aside from the school curriculum, we had the opportunity to see the medical world firsthand. We had multiple guest speakers come in and talk to us about their careers and what they entail. We also have done dissections including a cow's eye and pig's heart. This helped understand the anatomy of certain organs. Through HSP we have all been certified in CPR and HIPPA. There have been lots of field trips to different hospitals, colleges, and centers, and we had the chance to go out and job shadow. Job shadowing gives you a look at what goes on behind the scenes and how day to day life is for nurses/patients. It has been a very explorative class and very fun to experience.
Health Science Professions is very team oriented class. There have been lots of team building exercises and we have all grown into our own little family. Through this class we have gained lots of new friendships and people to reach out to for help. It has taught us patience, communication, and how to handle different situations. Not only did this help the classroom environment, it helps prepare us for interaction within our future workplace. Our first team building exercise was the first week of school when none of us really knew each other. We all had to work together and in the end we won first place throughout the school. True Colors was one of our first activities as well. There were the colors blue, orange, green, and gold. Each person's personality could fall into a certain color which represented special characteristics and that helped us learn how to communicate with each other.
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